Sunday, June 5, 2011

And the tooth fairy will be visiting tonight...


It's official. Benjamin lost his first tooth today. It was a little over due as the tooth behind it is already coming in, but the dentist assures me that it will fix itself. I'm not so sure. He was a trooper and actually let me pull it out. Surprisingly there were no tears. :) In honor of this milestone we had to make a tooth fairy pillow! I had seen a few tutorials for all kind of different ones but he picked this one.


pattern and tutorial courtesy of MmmCrafts

Benjamin saw the police officer version and we decided to try a soldier version. I don't think it turned out half bad if I do say so myself. While we were making it I was talking to him about how much he thought the tooth fairy was going to leave him for his tooth. Gosh has inflation hit the tooth fairy hard. He swears some of his friends got $20 and $30. That is just craziness. I was thinking a dollar. I guess I'm going to have to up it a little, but I mean, come on, I remember getting quarters, lol.


All-in-all though, today was a pretty good lazy day with the family. Andrew is trying to sing. He's so cute!! He can do most of the hand motion for Itsy Bitsy Spider. He puts his little fingers together and says "more spider." So cute!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Yes, it's a bag...

IMAG0090 by Angela4Eternity
IMAG0090, a photo by Angela4Eternity on Flickr.

I know I said a loooong time ago that I would never ever sew another bag again. Well...there's been so many cute bags popping up on the internet. I may or may not have joined the bandwagon :) I made this bag for Patrick's teacher. There are three more in the works for Benjamin's teacher and Andrew's therapist. Have I said that I love those ladies?? They have been with us now for a year and a half. I'm sure going to miss them!! On topic though, I love this bag. I'm going to have to make myself one. Not quite sure what I will use it for but hey, it's cute! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pure Crazy

It has been so crazy around here lately. Both Benjamin and Patrick have been playing baseball. That is definitely keeping us on our toes. We are on a field somewhere ateast 3 nights a week, lol. It has been fun. There's nothing better than seeing their little faces when they make those home runs or when they happen to be paying attention in the outfield and manage to catch the ball.

Andrew has been a trooper during all this running around. He has made such amazing progress with his speech. I know its still hard for people who aren't around him all the time to understand him but he sure has come a long way. The other day he was playing with Patrick and I heard him say "one, two, go" that was the beat sound ever. He is finally putting more than 2 words together. He will say mom hold me please. He will just melt your heart now. I took a lot for granted with my older 2. You don't really get how truly important every little milestone is until your child is delayed. Andrew is catching up finally. Slowly but surely.

I've been getting rid of the baby stuff I have. It's time to close that chapter in our lives. I need to have a yardsale soon and get ready for our move. There's only 6 weeks left! Woohoo! I finally got around to going to the doctor for my hip. I guess I really did mess myself up when I fell on the ice. They did some xrays and I get to go to physical therapy. Sounds great doesn't it? Ugh its going to be painful. At least it should get better now.....hopefully.

The kids get out of school next week. Benjamin isn't too thrilled. He doesn't want to leave his frienda but he's excited about being closer to grandma. I'm going to have to find some stuff to do with them during the day. Lol. I have a feeling the boredom will set in quickly.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crazy Wedding Week

I think I am just now recovering from our trip to Virginia we made two weeks ago. We were only able to go home for 7 days. That makes for a crazy trip, lol. My sister-in-law was getting married so it was worth it to make the trip. Not to mention my brother-in-law was graduating from basic training and it was Easter. I told you it was crazy, right? The wedding was beautiful. Their first official "date" was our wedding 7 years ago. I feel like I've watched her grow up and now she's married off. Time is whizzing by. Benjamin and Patrick got to be ring bearers. They were so excited they got to be in the wedding! We cleaned up pretty nice.
Easter was great! It was so nice to see the kids get to do the Easter traditions with family. They dyed eggs at Granny's house. They got to have an Easter egg hunt with all their cousins. It was just a great day after the crazy week they had.

The trip home was miserable. Our flight got cancelled due to bad weather. We had to stay overnight in a hotel near the airport. Thankfully we made it to El Paso the next day. The last flight was very bumpy, yuck! I don't like to fly. It's convenient so I do it, but I would much rather drive.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good News!

This month has already been full of much needed good news! The family and I will be in Virginia in two weeks!! That's right. You heard correctly. This will be the first time the hubby has flown with all of us. Say a prayer for him. His sanity is definitely going to need it. I'm hoping that since they're older than this time it will be smoother. Hey, I can hope right? lol. We'll be there for a week. We'll get to spend Easter with the family. This will be the first time in 7 years that all of my family has been home in Va for a holiday. FANTASTIC!!! Can you tell I'm excited???

But wait. There's even MORE good news. We found out today that Christopher is getting reassigned to Ft Campbell which is in Kentucky/Tennessee. It's 10 hours from home!! How awesome is that! Now there's always a chance that the Army will rain on our parade and the orders will get screwed up somewhere but a girl can dream and for now we will be headed to Ft Campbell in October. You have no idea how exciting this is for me. El Paso has been great. I know I have complained about it but the weather is amazing. I have given birth to two amazing children here. Christopher and I have spent most of our time together here. I will most definitely be sad to leave here, but I am also ready for change. It's time for a new chapter in our life. So keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer! In the end, everything will work out like it's supposed to :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Margaret's Hope Chest

I have blogged about this once before, but I wanted to make a separate post for this. This charity makes and collects quilts for children who's father or mother is serving time in jail. They also travel to local jails and preach God's word. This cause spoke to me. It's hard to have a parent in jail. Often times the child will feel forgotten or abandoned or even that it's their fault this is happening. These quilts are sent to the child on their birthday with love from the parent who's incarcerated. They send hope. The little guy I quilted for is going to be 1! What a milestone! I hope this quilt will bring him joy and hope!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The super moon

The best shot I was able to get of the moon, courtesy of settings from Jamie :)