It's official. Benjamin lost his first tooth today. It was a little over due as the tooth behind it is already coming in, but the dentist assures me that it will fix itself. I'm not so sure. He was a trooper and actually let me pull it out. Surprisingly there were no tears. :) In honor of this milestone we had to make a tooth fairy pillow! I had seen a few tutorials for all kind of different ones but he picked this one.

pattern and tutorial courtesy of MmmCrafts

pattern and tutorial courtesy of MmmCrafts
Benjamin saw the police officer version and we decided to try a soldier version. I don't think it turned out half bad if I do say so myself. While we were making it I was talking to him about how much he thought the tooth fairy was going to leave him for his tooth. Gosh has inflation hit the tooth fairy hard. He swears some of his friends got $20 and $30. That is just craziness. I was thinking a dollar. I guess I'm going to have to up it a little, but I mean, come on, I remember getting quarters, lol.
All-in-all though, today was a pretty good lazy day with the family. Andrew is trying to sing. He's so cute!! He can do most of the hand motion for Itsy Bitsy Spider. He puts his little fingers together and says "more spider." So cute!!
All-in-all though, today was a pretty good lazy day with the family. Andrew is trying to sing. He's so cute!! He can do most of the hand motion for Itsy Bitsy Spider. He puts his little fingers together and says "more spider." So cute!!