I think I am just now recovering from our trip to Virginia we made two weeks ago. We were only able to go home for 7 days. That makes for a crazy trip, lol. My sister-in-law was getting married so it was worth it to make the trip. Not to mention my brother-in-law was graduating from basic training and it was Easter. I told you it was crazy, right? The wedding was beautiful. Their first official "date" was our wedding 7 years ago. I feel like I've watched her grow up and now she's married off. Time is whizzing by. Benjamin and Patrick got to be ring bearers. They were so excited they got to be in the wedding! We cleaned up pretty nice.

Easter was great! It was so nice to see the kids get to do the Easter traditions with family. They dyed eggs at Granny's house. They got to have an Easter egg hunt with all their cousins. It was just a great day after the crazy week they had.
The trip home was miserable. Our flight got cancelled due to bad weather. We had to stay overnight in a hotel near the airport. Thankfully we made it to El Paso the next day. The last flight was very bumpy, yuck! I don't like to fly. It's convenient so I do it, but I would much rather drive.
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