Friday, February 18, 2011


Life has gotten busy. Guess it has a tendancy to do that. The boys are growing like weeds! Benjamin weighed in at 68lbs and 4ft 4in. He's going to be taller than me in no time. Patrick was 38lbs and 3ft 5in. He's finally Growing! He's so skinny. Andrew is terrified of drs right now. The best we could get for him was that he weighed 32lbs. Silly boy. He's finally making progress with his speech. I'm so glad we were able to catch it in time to get him help. So, mamas trust your gut. If you think there might be something wrong with your baby, speak up.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I've been mostly considering the person I want to be and remembered as. I guess there's decisions I need to make. I know, its confusing to me too, lol.

I signed up yesterday to participate in a charity quilt drive. Its called Wrapped in Love. They donate quilts to children on their birthday whose parent is in jail. They travel to various jails and preach the Bible in hopes of turning their lives around. It definitely spoke to me. My quilt will be going to a little boy who will be celebrating his first birthday. I am beyond excited to be doing this. I've had a drive lately to give back. I've got a few more projects in the air right now. More to come later


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